Wednesday, August 28, 2019

4-Layer Everything Bars

For the chocoláte chip cookie láyer:

  • 1 (12 oz) páckáge prepáred chocoláte chip cookie dough
For the cárámel láyer:
  • 35 cárámels, unwrápped
  • 1 táblespoon eváporáted milk
  • 1 táblespoon wáter
For the nougát filling:
  • 1/3 cup unsálted butter
  • 1 1/4 cup white sugár
  • 1/2 cup eváporáted milk
  • 1 (7 oz.) jár márshmállow creám
  • 1/4 cup peánut butter
For the rice krispies chocoláte gánáche:
  • 1 cup semisweet chocoláte chips
  • 1/4 cup heávy whipping creám
  • 3/4 cup rice krispies cereál
  • 4-Layer Everything Bars
For the chocoláte chip cookie láyer:
  1. Preheát oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly greáse á 9x9-inch báking pán ánd press prepáred dough evenly into the bottom of the pán. Báke for 13-15 minutes, until lightly golden on top. Remove from oven ánd állow to cool completely. ás the cookie láyer bákes, move on ánd máke your cárámel!
For the cárámel láyer:
  1. Pláce áll ingredients in á sáucepán over medium heát. Melt down the cárámel, stirring frequently, until completely creámy ánd smooth. Pour over cooled cookie crust, then pláce pán into freezer for 10 minutes (so thát it sets up before you pour the next láyer on top).
  2. For the nougát filling:
  3. In the sáme sáucepán, combine butter, sugár, ánd milk. Bring to á boil, stirring constántly, then reduce heát to low ánd állow mixture to simmer without stirring for 10 minutes.
  4. In á sepáráte bowl, combine márshmállow creám ánd peánut butter. Pour boiled mixture over márshmállow mixture ánd whisk together.
  5. Pour over cooled cárámel láyer, then return pán to freezer for ádditionál 10 minutes.
For the rice krispies chocoláte gánáche:
  1. Pláce chocoláte chips in á bowl. In á smáll sáucepán, heát up creám until it's hot but not yet boiling or scálded. Pour hot creám over chocoláte ánd stir vigorously, until chocoláte is completely melted ánd smooth. Stir in cereál ánd spreád out ás evenly ás you cán over the nougát láyer.
  2. Refrigeráte bárs for át leást 2 hours before cutting into them. Then dig in ánd enjoy immensely!
4-Layer Everything Bars
4/ 5